Tuesday, September 9, 2008

attention readers

notice the "classes" link list over to the left.

i have created separate blogs for each of my mca classes, so from this point on owenfranke.blogspot.com will only be used as a personal blog

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

dm370 project 1 - completed

on place

With this project my intention was to portray a shift in perception of a place through age. I chose to document and juxtapose images of my preschool and the church I was raised in because religion played a leading role in my childhood but is now the subject of a growing resentment in my adult life. As a three-year-old, unaware of what the word "christian" even meant, I was enrolled into First Christians preschool and had been attending church regularly even earlier than that.

Blissfully ignorant at the time that I was being brainwashed and trained to promote a belief system I knew nothing about, the majority of this video represents my younger self, a care free individual simply observing an environment around him with no function to serve other than to be a school and playground. The end is a glance back from the present day, with the knowledge and wisdom I feel I've accumulated thus far, seeing Christ the King church for what it really is to me - a place devoted to the practice of controlling young and old minds alike to live in fear, guilt, naivety and confusion until the day they die, all based on a bunch of lies.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

dm370 project 1 - ideas

1.) things in little rock: the first schools i went to - shooting locations where i had some of my earliest memories. the playgrounds might be completely different now.

2.) the church i was raised in - maybe record the congregation reciting the catholic creed (in mumbles) and lay the audio track over a video tour of the places in the building i remember most and other places from my childhood like my backyard, the soccer fields, jr high, high school, in a sort of timeline by age. audio track could fade to barely audible by the end.

3.) outdoor spots: shoot the trek up pinnacle mountain, maybe looking at my feet or some weird angle the whole time until reaching the top where you can see most of little rock. or bike trails in bartlett - create a helmet cam.

4.) the place inside the body. first person view of normal daily activity/routines. maybe some sort of internal dialog voiceover that seems disconnected from the things that are happening on the screen, as if the mind were not controlling the body, the way i felt the first time i got high.. that was some scary shit.

5.) find home movie footage of my house from a long time ago and recreate the same angles and shots from that footage in my house today. play both simultaneously side by side

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

project 2 ideas

idea 1 - sequel to project 1

my mom finds the script i wrote based on our private conversation and flips out. i tell her that it is only "sketchbook material" and that i don't plan to make it public, which she doesn't buy. in essence this piece would become very reflexive and self-referencing in nature.

idea 2 - i go to the moon (green screen or a model set may be required)

i arrive on the moon with my uncle and two other family members. i have a hard time staying grounded and worry about floating off into space. none of my family members help me stay down. all of the personal belongings i brought with me start falling off the moon because of its rotation. my family doesn't attempt to catch them.
i forget about my things and decide to call some people, because i'm on the moon! i take out my cell phone and try to call my dad and stepmom, but my phone doesn't work because i'm on the moon. my uncle gives me a walkie talkie and says "this will work", and it does. i call my dad and say "guess where i am!"
after a brief conversation with my dad, i decide that i need to take some pictures so that i can show them off when i return to earth. i take out my cell phone and snap a picture of myself with the lunar landscape in the background and then turn 180 degrees and snap another one with the earth in the background.
when i go to review the pictures i just took on my phone, i see that they are two pictures of me at home in my room; in one there is a poster of the moon on the wall behind me and in the other one there is a poster of the earth on the wall behind me. i get angry that my camera is lying and think "great, no one is going to believe me now!" but my uncle will tell them that i was there won't he? (i feel very close to my uncle)

idea 3 - a dialog based narrative.. something funny, clever and subversive..

an instructional video on "how to attract girls", which on the surface would really function primarily to poke fun at the methods of such characters as 'Mystery' from Mtv's the pick up artist. one actor, portraying this persona, would consistently intrude upon the life of another actor (a quirky, yet well-mannered and intelligent young adult who relies on his natural personality to keep his relationships with women interesting) and suggest that he follow ridiculous bits of advice on attracting women.

i'd like to push the piece far enough so that it begins to unpack some of the problems with how society has imposed gender specific roles on each of us and how exactly these aspects of gender perception become problematic - the idea here being to discredit alpha male pretension and notions of presupposed female submissiveness and commend free thinking individuals.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

project 1 synopsis

Eggland’s Best is a video reenactment of a dialog held between myself and my mother a few days before Easter Sunday this year concerning our differences in regards to the importance of Christian religious ideals--her perspective being that of a devout Catholic and mine of Agnosticism--although both coming from like backgrounds of strict Catholicism, imposed upon us at an early age.

This video highlights the significant amount of change, and simultaneously the lack thereof, in a formally established mode of thinking that has occurred over the span of a single generation – from mother to son. Also emphasized is the persisting indifference I often feel toward my mother and my family in general.

I believe that having such vastly different religious and political views from the rest of my family has slowly evolved my childhood sense of belonging into a familiar program of indifferent behaviors and reactions that I now exhibit almost unknowingly in my day-to-day life.

Proclaiming to refrain from pushing religion onto any children I might have in the future forebodingly suggests that my life will only continue to exist more as a sort of trivial outside affair rather than operating harmoniously as an essential part within the whole of my family.

During the making of this project, my mother visited me in Memphis and happened across a copy of the script for this video, which duly implied that I had did not have every intention of keeping our conversation secret. Undoubtedly this event has broken scab between us and has distanced me even further away, and about this I feel almost complete indifference.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

assignment write-up: first edit [video only]

deciding that the voice acting of myself and (especially) that of my actress was significantly less than i'd hoped for, my project will take on a major shift in direction. the dialog and sound effects will be distorted and the footage will directly relate to this transformed audio track. therefore, the draft at this point does not represent the final aesthetic, as it is impossible for me to arrange the video without also working with the sound.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


my actress bailed on me at the last minute. i have rescheduled the shoot with her for this wednesday night.

Monday, September 3, 2007

re:creation of man

mark (6:18:10 PM): do you think Adam was ever like, "eve, why you don't give dat ass up?" and eve is all "i like you as a friend, Adam"
mark (6:18:30 PM): eve: I'm just not looking for a relationship at this point in my life
mark (6:18:39 PM): eve: is that so hard to understand?
mark (6:18:55 PM): adam: what do i have that ....fuck i'm the ONLY PERSON HERE
mark (6:19:02 PM): adam: YOU HAVE TO FUCK ME SOMETIME
mark (6:19:12 PM): eve: ugh all you men are the same!
mark (6:19:18 PM): adam: ....what the fuck.
mark (6:19:28 PM): adam: *looks around*
mark (6:19:37 PM): adam: ...what the FUCK.
mark (6:19:59 PM): eve: look i just....just have different needs right now
mark (6:20:27 PM): eve: and i don't feel like you're being sensitive to them. i think we should see other people.
mark (6:20:38 PM): adam: *just starts walking away, shaking his head*
mark (6:20:46 PM): eve: I think you're a really nice guy, Adam!
mark (6:21:03 PM): eve: i'm just not looking for a relationship!
mark (6:21:35 PM): adam: *raises his hand up behind him in a fist, and slowly extends his middle finger*
owen (6:22:42 PM): as soon as adam leaves, eve picks up a fat twig and masturbates
mark (6:23:51 PM): eve: i'm not sure adam can satisfy me like this dried up piece-of-shit oak twig,. i hope he understands.
mark (6:24:09 PM): eve: he’s so good at listening to me!
mark (6:24:42): next day
mark (6:25:43 PM): eve: "..and i love him, and i know he loves me but just you know...sometimes Mr. Tiger gets angry at me and he beats me.... "
adam: i don't think he's right for you
mark (6:25:45 PM): two weeks later
mark (6:26:23 PM): eve: HE FUKED ME HRRRD!~!!!!!!!!!

owen (6:28:08 PM): *adam kills himself*

mark (6:30:14 PM): eve: "oh shit"
mark (6:30:18 PM): "...hey god?"
owen (6:30:24 PM): "i killed another one"
eve:....god you know you want it
owen (6:30:41 PM): god: stop pissing off all my men!
mark (6:31:12 PM): eve: don-choo wish yo girl-friend was hot! like! me!
owen (6:31:35 PM): god: i am my own girlfriend
owen (6:32:40 PM): eve: like, what is that supposed to mean?
owen (6:32:48 PM): god: it means STFU NOOB!!!
mark (6:33:45 PM): HAHAHAHA

mark (6:34:28 PM): i mean come on
mark (6:34:31 PM): this shit happened
mark (6:34:34 PM): verbatim.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

project 1 ideas

Self-inventory: Recreate an incident from your life and provide a narrative, then transform it.

idea 1 - bee paranoia
- stung by yellow jacket 8-10 times up my back at a young age
- later believed there was a bee at the foot of my bed which would not leave; couldn't tell if it was real or a dream
- still occasionally have short nightmares of bees being under my sheets, and i'll wake up with a quick jolt

idea 2 - mom and religion
- document conversation had with my mother concerning religion and her overreactions to my being agnostic

idea 3 - grass fire
- section of our yard caught on fire a long time ago around christmas because we lined the driveway with sand-filled candle bags
-black patch remained for a long time

idea 4 - tooth fairy
- older brother and i caught the tooth fairy/our mom once by setting a trap

idea 5 - accused of being racist
- involved summer school and a bottle of liquid paper

idea 6 - jolly rancher sickness
- threw up once on a camping trip from eating a whole package of watermelon flavored jolly ranchers followed by ramen noodles for dinner

idea 7 - caught "stealing"
- as a child i found a piece of candy on a department store floor and pocketed it
- the store alarm went off as my mother and i were leaving
- i stopped and looked guilty; when questioned, i confessed to stealing an m&m off the floor. later i realized that a real thief must have gotten away that day

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


the wrens